Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day #2 - Octobe12, 2011

The day dawned sweatshirt-cool, but great for being outdoors on this beautiful campus.

Everyone enjoyed the French toast-and-sausage breakfast, with the additional choices of fresh-cut fruit and Chef Tom's yummy homemade coffee cake.

The breakfast ORT report was a disappointment, as a considerable amount of liquid waste and uneaten plated sausages added up to more than 30 pounds, so the group set a goal of lowering it considerably at lunchtime. (And they succeeded, by the way, with only 14 pounds of lunch ORT!)

The GaGa pit was a flurry of activity during the morning transition time. (See next blog post of Gaga game photos). then it was time for everyone to spend two hours with their respective field group leaders for a variety of hiking, exploring, team-building, and discovering activities. (See pictures included in this blog.)

Lunch was a huge hit, featuring fresh-baked, warm cornbread, scrumprious "Rice Krispie " baked chicken, and, of course, the delicious salad bar.

Right now the kids are in a variety of one-hour classes for which they signed up during this morning's field groups:projectiles (physics and things that move),sculpt the Earth (forces of nature), one-sided-magical-strip-of-Awesome, Yoga, pumpkin dissection, critter battle (survival in one's habitat), volcanoes, roller coasters, and tree identification (make a book to take home).

Then there will be a half-hour transition to prepare for our two hour trip to the Beach, 3:00-5:00. More later!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awsome days activities. I want to be at the beach! Great job reducing the waste at lunch 16lbs lower wonder what dinner will bring as a weight.
