Friday, October 14, 2011

Our last day here :( - October 14, 2011

Last night's Science Fair activity was a big hit. Children moved around to learn scientific principles behind lots of different experiments, so be sure to ask your favorite fifth grader what his/her favorite one was. The "floating tea bag" or "tea bag rockets" taught about how "excited molecules" move around when energy is provided by heat (or FIRE!) and"Oobleck" demonstrated that cornstarch-in-water is a "suspension", not actually a solid, liquid, or gas. They also found out how they can "see" if a penny is pre-1982 (totally made of copper) or if it's more current (made with zinc and copper): Hint- put it in a flame!

After being accompanied by six NC teachers' guitars (and the one ukele!) for "quiet sing", everyone headed back to their cabins for the daunting task of packing most of their belongings for departure back to FRCS. Some bunks did better than others getting "lights out" at a reaonable time, but everyone managed to finish the task this morning and (somewhat reluctantly) hauled all luggage to the central location for pre-noon loading onto the busses. A giant blue tarp covered the mountain as everyone headed up to the dining hall for our last NC breakfast (waffle sticks and bacon, several homemade breads, fruit).

All morning the kids have been with their field group leaders, first filling out questionnaires about their NC experience and then thoroughly cleaning out their living spaces from the week.

I hear everyone walking to the dining hall right now, so it's already 11:oo and time for our last meal together here. (I got a sneak preview of the fresh pizza dough being prepared a little while ago.)

It's been a wonderful week. Thank you for making it possible for your children to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. See you in a few hours!

1 comment:

  1. Alexander has not stopped talking ever since he got off the bus (he has almost no voice left :-). So much fun, so many new things learnt, wonderful experience and memories for the rest of his life!!! Thank you so much, FRCS teachers, for making this happen!
