"You and me and rain on the roof..." The lulling sound of the overnight-into-morning rain, combined with the energy used during yesterday's beach time and Night Hike led to everyone opening both eyes a little later than yesterday morning. (Spontaneous wake-ups yesterday ranged from 5:30 a.m. in one boys' bunk to 6:25 in a girls' cabin!) Donning every color of poncho and raingear, everyone made it to the dining hall on time for our 8 a.m. breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes, and fresh fruit, with coffee cake, bagels, or dry cereal also available. Oh yes, and hot choc
olate, too!
After a short transition time back at or cabins, everyone gathered in the Leoj (big building) for an intro activity to the gigantic hour-long Predator-Prey game of tag which would take everyone all over camp. "Audience participants" helped teach about the food chain and food web concepts, by wearing props that represented the sun, producer, plants, fish, seals, and sharks.
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